Barry Ginley - Conservative Party - Allington Ward

13th MARCH 2015


Voting:  5 – For 2 – Against 4 – Abstentions

If only Cllr Cynthia Robinson had not abstained and the Liberals weren’t playing party politics then they would have stopped the planned development of Bridge Nursery.

On 6 November 2014 the Planning Committee for Maidstone Council approved plans subject to an landscape and ecological management plan for 142 dwellings on the Bridge Nursery site in Allington.

Having Called In the planning application, Cllr Mrs Robinson and her Liberal colleagues Abstained on the vote, not voting against the development, allowing it to pass with minimal challenge. May be this was due to the Liberals being the party who included the site allocation in 2000 when the Liberals were the largest party on MBC or just another attempt to blame the Tories?

Don’t take my word, take a look at the official minutes of the meeting and the background notes to the application.

Allington has worst performing Councillor

Cllr Belinda Watson Liberal Democrat, who managed to get to only 25% of council meetings has been shown to be the worst performing councillor according to Kent On-line, this equates to £2,333 per meeting. If this is how you would like to be represented then continue to vote for Cllr Watson and the Liberals however if you want someone who will represent the views of Allington residents, please vote for Barry Ginley.

Barry Ginley
Conservative Party – Allington Ward