Barry Ginley - Conservative Party - Allington Ward

Barry with Sajid Javid FRIDAY 29th FEBRUARY 2016


Barry with Sajid Javid, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills

Having lived locally for many years, I am honoured to be standing for election for Maidstone Borough Council. I greatly believe in honesty and transparency, so I have set out my personal commitments and priorities if elected on Thursday 5 May 2016.

My commitments to the Residents of Allington:

1 I will campaign to ensure that any new development includes affordable homes and starter homes for local people and the necessary infrastructure improvements are in place before any new residents arrive.

2 Speeding traffic is a blight on local communities and possess a real danger to residents and pedestrians. I will campaign for lower speed limits on residential roads, particularly near schools.

3 Budgets are tight but potholes on roads and pavements are a danger to cars and pedestrians alike. I will campaign to ensure Allington receives its fair share of funding to repair these.

4 Inconsiderate pavement parking is particually dangerous to elderly and disabled pedestrians, including wheelchair users and mothers pushing prams who often have to step into the road to avoid badly parked cars. I will press the council to take tougher action on this issue.

5 Overhanging hedgerows and shrubs can also be dangerous to pedestrians. Where these are on council owned land I will ensure they are trimmed regularly. When on private land the issue is more difficult but often residents are elderly or disabled and physically unable to cope. I will work with charities and community groups to provide the support they need.

6 Dog fouling not only spreads disease but is inconsiderate and illegal. I will campaign for more dog bins and will support Maidstone Conservatives’ plan to increase the power of Litter Wardens who can help deal with this issue.

7 I will work with residents’ groups and bus companies to ensure that public transport provides the services we need at the time we need them.

Allington has worst performing Councillor

Cllr Belinda Watson Liberal Democrat, who managed to get to only 25% of council meetings has been shown to be the worst performing councillor according to Kent On-line, this equates to £2,333 per meeting. If this is how you would like to be represented then continue to vote for Cllr Watson and the Liberals however if you want someone who will represent the views of Allington residents, please vote for Barry Ginley.

Barry Ginley

If you would like to discuss any local issues, please do not hesitate to get in touch on:

Call: 01622 768311


Barry Ginley
Conservative Party – Allington Ward